alas alas, the raccoons have won. the koi are gone and the plants are chewed. i did manage to save some of the water hyacinth from brutal crunchings and munchings, but their life in the pond has ended. and now their lives begin anew as simple unexciting house plants. it's like the plant relocation services. once adventurous raccoon fighting plants, they have been spirited away to masquerade as simple suburban houseplants, as their identities as scrumptious fibrous food put their very lives in peril.
but i have realized that they are the perfect plant for the person who cannot keep houseplants alive (oh no, not me- but YOU know who you are). you can't over- or under-water them, because you can always see just how much water is in the pot. so one undercover piece of hyacinth is in a large glass vase, and the other is in an old pot. this tricksy water hyacinth has the extra ability to camouflage itself as a flower arrangement. when did plants get so diabolically smart?