27 July, 2009

flower distractions

whenever i start cleaning, i get distracted by wanting to pretty things up rather than pick things up......

14 July, 2009

leaf miners

when i was in the garden a few days ago i noticed some artistically defurbished leaves on the wild purslane. leaf miners really like chard and beets, but apparently they'll stoop to eating purslane if no brassicas can be found.

when held up to the light, the leaf miners are more easily distinguished. but since i only got a picture of half the leaf....only one is readily noticeable.

sorry for the horrible picture, it's hard to macro with one hand whilst glaring up into bright light......

09 July, 2009

garlic braiding

my first garlic braid! it's fairly clumsy and not quite as nice looking as i thought it would be....but it's my first one and it hasn't fallen apart yet. so i'm pretty proud of myself!